按照优雅草技术说明,安装松鼠短视频,前端后台环境都以OK 在模拟器上也可以运行,但是目前有两个问题,第一:在浏览器无法打开后台管理界面,ADMIN开头的这个域名。默认新建欢迎页面。目录指向 默认页都设置好了 。第二:APP无法打包。环境证书都没有问题。 求指教。
无法打开具体提示什么,app无法打包的问题也没表述清楚 |
发表于 2023-1-5 23:10:29
[HBuilder] 10:10:29.973 项目 '前端songshu-video-page' 编译成功。
[HBuilder] 10:10:29.975 文件查找失败:'crypto-js/md5' at common\test.js:9
[HBuilder] 10:10:29.976 文件查找失败:'crypto-js/md5' at common\test.js:9
[HBuilder] 10:10:29.978 文件查找失败:'number-precision' at pages\index\user\integral.vue:12
[HBuilder] 10:36:50.106 项目 '前端songshu-video-page' 开始编译...
[HBuilder] 10:36:51.321 3.6.15
[HBuilder] 10:36:51.323 当前应用未配置uni统计版本,默认使用1.0版本;建议使用uni统计2.0版本,私有部署数据更安全,代码开源可定制。详情:https://uniapp.dcloud.io/uni-stat-v2.html
[HBuilder] 10:36:51.478 正在编译中...
[HBuilder] 10:37:04.256 nvue中不支持如下css。如全局或公共样式受影响,建议将告警样式写在ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE的条件编译中,详情如下:
[HBuilder] 10:37:04.259 ERROR: property value `auto` is not supported for `margin-right` (only number and pixel values are supported) at App.vue:31
[HBuilder] 10:37:04.262 ERROR: property value `auto` is not supported for `margin-left` (only number and pixel values are supported) at App.vue:31
[HBuilder] 10:37:04.268 WARNING: `-webkit-animation` is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at App.vue:33
[HBuilder] 10:37:04.270 WARNING: `-moz-animation` is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at App.vue:34
[HBuilder] 10:37:04.273 WARNING: `animation` is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at App.vue:35
[HBuilder] 10:37:04.276 WARNING: `content` is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at App.vue:41
[HBuilder] 10:37:04.276 WARNING: `-webkit-animation` is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at App.vue:45
[HBuilder] 10:37:04.279 WARNING: `-moz-animation` is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at App.vue:46
[HBuilder] 10:37:04.282 WARNING: `animation` is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at App.vue:47
[HBuilder] 10:37:10.450 项目 '前端songshu-video-page' 编译成功。
[HBuilder] 10:37:10.450 文件查找失败:'crypto-js/md5' at common\test.js:9
[HBuilder] 10:37:10.455 文件查找失败:'crypto-js/md5' at common\test.js:9
[HBuilder] 10:37:10.455 文件查找失败:'number-precision' at pages\index\user\integral.vue:12
以上是打包APP是所有的提示 打包不成功。
发表于 2023-1-7 10:46:53
发表于 2023-1-7 14:25:11
发表于 2023-1-8 13:18:52